OPEN architecture were delighted to attend the local opening event of their finished project at The Old School, on Cobden Road, in Sevenoaks.
The proposals originally consisted of the provision for 9 No. two and three bedroom apartments with associated parking and amenity space with some new build additions in the form of single storey extensions plus dormers and conservation rooflights to the main building.
The District Council had owned the Cobden Road Centre for some 22 years, having acquired this former Kent County Council school to provide voluntary sector accommodation.
The property was converted to provide three areas of accommodation, the majority of the main school buildings was let to Age Concern as a day centre, a porta cabin in the former playground was let to Relate (West Kent Marriage Guidance) as counselling rooms and one room within the main building was let to Parenthood (Time To Talk) as an office and counselling room.
The Old School was originally constructed in the 1880’s and although maintained over the years, many of the building elements were close to their life expectancy
The client’s aim was to enhance the building fabric to meet current legislation with minimal impact to the external aesthetics of this building, but in order to suitably convert the building into residential dwellings, there was a need for the addition of some new build elements.