Alex Pelling Made Man Of The Match - OPEN Architecture


Man of the match Alex Pelling fires Open Architecture to victory in their first competitive fixture against Bond Bryan.

After a cautious start to the game with both sides settling into their rhythm, Open swiftly took the lead through neat work from J.Rich down the right and R. Marsh striking home from close range. Despite a series of great saves from S.Rickards in the Open goal, Bond Bryan bounced back and they quickly turned the game around with two quick fire goals taking them into a lead with just 20 minutes gone.

A. Pelling was proving a constant threat down the left for Open and he turned provider for W. Bradshaw to equalise for the home side. G. Brancaccio drew inspiration from Italian great Filippo Inzaghi and knocked home from a neat corner delivered by A. Pelling.

Open headed into the final 10 minutes looking to extend their 3-2 lead and they did so after a direct through ball from W.Bradshaw found A.Pelling in acres of space to score his first of the game. Bond Bryan pegged the game back to 4-3 with minutes to go, however quick thinking from R.Marsh saw him slip through A.Pelling to score yet again and finish the game for good, 5-3.

It was a successful evening for Open Architecture and we’re looking forward to future games!

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